Constituency Statement to the 77th Session of World Health Assembly on Agenda Item 11.7 Acceleration towards the Sustainable Development Goal targets for maternal health and child mortality

Constituency Statement to the 77th Session of World Health Assembly on Agenda Item 11.2 Political declaration of the third high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases

IPA Individual Statement at the 75th World Health Assembly on Agenda Item 14 Sub-Item 14.1 (i) Draft recommendations for the prevention and management of obesity over the life course, including potential targets

IPA Individual Statement at the 75th World Health Assembly on Agenda Item 16.2 Strengthening WHO preparedness for and response to health emergencies at the 75th World Health Assembly

Constituency Statement at the 75th World Health Assembly on Agenda Item 15. Human Resources for Health

IPA Statement at 74th World Health Assembly: Agenda 14 Health in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Agenda 16 Committing to Implementation of the Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health (2016-2030)

IPA Statement at 74th World Health Assembly: Agenda 13.2 on Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases

IPA Statement at 74th World Health Assembly: Agenda 13.8 on Immunization Agenda 2030

IPA Statement at 74th World Health Assembly: Agenda 17 on WHO's work in health emergencies and strengthening preparedness for health emergencies and Agenda 18 on Mental Health preparedness for and response to COVID-19 pandemic

IPA Statement to the World Health Assembly 2017

IPA Position Statement on Child Survival to the World Health Assembly 2016

IPA Position Statement on Prevention of Blindness Due to Retinopathy to the World Health Assembly 2016

IPA Position Statement on Violence Against Children to the World Health Assembly 2016

IPA Statement to the World Health Assembly 2014

IPA Statement on "Healthy Adolescents for Healthy World" (WHA 2010)

IPA Statement on Paediatricians and Achievement of the Health-related MDG's(WHA 2009)

IPA Statement on Prevention of avoidable blindness and visual impairment (WHA 2009)

IPA Statement on Primary Health Care (WHA 2009)