Vaccines to Vaccination Project
IPA organized the Vaccines to Vaccination Project Workshop in collaboration with GlaxoSmithKline, supported by John Snow Inc which aimed to provide Training of Trainers (ToT) of Anglophone Africa, Francophone Africa, and Asia on the scientific and programmatic aspects of vaccine introduction to achieve higher vaccination coverage and reach zero dose children.
The ToT Workshops were conducted in the below-mentioned 3 countries:
Particulars | Date | Venue | Hosted By |
1st ToT | 20th & 21st November 2023 | Hotel Sarova Stanley, Nairobi, Kenya | Kenya Pediatric Association |
2nd ToT | 1st & 2nd December 2023 | Hotel Ambassador, Kathmandu, Nepal | Nepal Pediatric Society |
3rd ToT | 10th & 11th December 2023 | Hotel La Maison Palmier, Abidjan, Ivory Coast | Societe Iviorienne De Pediatrie |
Pediatricians, Academicians, EPIs and Members from Technical partners like JSI, FIGO, and UNICEF participated in the workshops with a total of 130 participants in all 3 workshops. The workshop lectures and deliberations were focused on a Brief overview of Vaccines, Vaccinology, and Immunization both at regional and global levels, persisting challenges in achieving high coverage and reducing equity gaps, Decision-making processes for vaccines, and understanding vaccine safety. Vaccine acceptance was one of the important sessions which equipped the pediatricians with techniques to address vaccine hesitancy and misinformation which included how to build effective interpersonal communication with the caregivers or patients.
Each country shared:
- "Best practices" to improve immunization coverage and equity or reach zero-dose children in their country.
- An EPI representative from each country shared the updates on the strategies adopted by their respective countries for the ‘Big Catch-Up’.
- An interactive session on role-play on Interpersonal Communication was facilitated by IPA.