Naveen Thacker - Chair
IPA Vaccines Hesitancy Project Steering Committee
(1) Prof. Saad B. Omer
(2) Dr. Narendra Kumar Arora
(3) Prof. Fredrick N Were
(4) Dr. Robin Nandy
(5) Dr. Heidi Larson
Technical Advisor & Committee 2013-16
The Strategic Plan of The IPA Techinical Advisory Group on Immunzation
IPA-AAP-SVI Joins Measles and Rubella Initiative
IPA 2nd Immunization and MDG Champions Workshop, Melbourne
Vaccine Hesitancy: Towards a Better Understanding of Drivers and Barriers to Awareness, Acceptance and Activation
The 1st International Training of Trainers (TOT) Workshop of IPA Vaccine Hesitancy Project is scheduled at New Delhi, NCR on 14-16 December 2018 and the 2nd TOT is scheduled at Panama during IPA Congress on 16-17 March 2019. Through these TOTs, IPA will establish a pool of Master Trainer pediatricians in each selected country who will conduct a series of workshops for pediatricians in their country focused on improving communication between healthcare professionals and caregivers using behaviour centred technique besides media, advocacy and social media training.