SAG Members

Mortada El-Shabrawi, Egypt
Ashraf Sultan, Pakistan

Anggraini Alam (Indonesia)
Aytan Ziyadova (Azerbaijan)
Jose Brea del Castillo (Dominican Republic)
Nehal El-Koofy (Egypt)
Robert Cohen (France)
Thomas Murray (USA)
Ulrich von Both (Germany)
Yong Poovorawan (Thailand)

SAG Activities and Works

1. Participated in the WHO BioHub System Technical Consultation

2. Drafted the IPA Individual Statement at the Second Special Session of the World Health Assembly (WHASS2)

3. Collaborated with the WHO in preparing their: "Living Guideline – Mask Use in Community Settings" published on 22 December 2021

4. Participated in the 5th Rwanda Paediatric Association Annual Scientific Conference and Launch of the RPA Strategic Plan 2021-2025

5. Organized the IPA International Webinar on "What We Know About Omicron in Children" held on 19 February 2022

6. Published Statements on World TB Day March 24th, 2022 distributed on all IPA Social Media.

7. Published Statements on World Hand Hygiene Day May 5th, 2022 distributed on all IPA Social Media.

8. Speaker in the WHO COVID-19 Case Management Webinar Series: COVID-19 in Children and Young Persons

9. Organized the IPA International Webinar on “Masked Epidemic of Antimicrobial Resistance” held on 16 July 2022