Introduction to the subject area

Inadequate nutrition is not only deleterious for children and adolescents but also when they became adults. Two nutritional poles (over and under nutrition) are the main target of this TAG. Since the last decade globally, the overweights outnumber underweights and this trend will continue until 2030 decade. Both situations deserve a clear preventive attitude based on the general and individual principles.

In the case of TAG-N, nutritional education should be addressed to pediatricians and health care providers in their double mission: early detection and advice on lifestyle and better food intake whenever possible.

Technical Advisor & Committee

Chair: Manuel Moya (Spain)

Co-Chair: Katayoun Khatami (Iran)

Members 2013-16: Andreas Konstantopoulos (Greece)
FugenCulluCokugras (Turkey)
Margarita Ramonet (Argentina)
Juan Rivera Medina (Peru)
Paul Koki Ndombo (Cameroon)
Joseph Haddad (Lebanon)
Kenneth Maleta (Malawi)
History within the IPA

IPA has always been concerned with child nutrition. In my lifetime if we look back we can experience the Expert Nutrition Committee (1990), the Nutrition Panel (2001-2007), Its specific participation in the Global Alliance Policy Group for Obesity Prevention endorsed by WHO which are real antecedent for the present nutritional tasks

Future Plan of action

1. The primordial aim is an individual preventive program to assess over/ underweight in lower income settings that will include accurate assessment of nutritional status (under, normo, overweight and obesity)and basic and reliable information to improve nutrition

2. To cooperate with WHO on the Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity. The next meeting will take place in January 2015

3. Coordination through the IPA Executive Direction with Executive and Standing committees and other TAGs in common objectives.

4. Plan for National Pediatric Societies to reconsider over / underweights situation

5. Educational forum on specific subjects, the first being Pediatric Hypertension.


1. Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2) to be held in Rome (19th-21st November 2014) by the General Directions of FAO and WHO. Preliminary meetings:

    - Web conference on 20th June 2014

    - Meeting on ICN2 with Non-state Actors. WHO Headquarters, Geneva 11th July 2014.

2. WHO Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity. Geneva 14th October 2014.

3. Food Security and Nutrition- Moderator.

    a. Discussions on line 97-103. 14th May 2014.(Proposal for increasing lysine in corn or sorghum flours and to encourage more resilient cattle)

    b. Food Insecurity in Protracted Crisis. 30th May 2014.

Resource Material

1. Tables and graphs for uniform assessment of the degree of nutritional deviation:

    -Cole TJ et al. Establishing a standard definition for child overweight and obesity worldwide: international survey. BMJ 2000; 320: 1-4

    -Cole TJ et al. Body mass index cut offs to define thinness in children and adolescents: international survey. BMJ 2007; 335: 194-206.

2. Clinical aspects


     - Moya M. An update in prevention and treatment of pediatric obesity. World J Pediatr 2008; 4: 173-85

     - Moya M, Juste M. Fatty liver disease among other comorbidities requiring early diagnosis in pediatric obesity.Obes Control Ther 2013; 1 (1) 02.


     - Moya ; Bozo M, Nazer HM.Malnutrition in infancy. Textbook of Clinical Pediatrics 2nd Ed. AY Elzouki, HM Nazer; FB Stapleton, W Oh, RJ Whotley. Springer 2012.ISBN 98-3-642-02-201-2. Page 711-722.